Christmas Season Schedule
Christmas Eve
Tuesday, December 24 - 8 pm Family Mass (Choir) *
Tuesday, December 24 - Midnight Mass * (African Catholic Community choir - all are welcome)
Christmas Day
Wednesday, December 25th - 10 am Christmas Morning Mass (Cantor)
New Year's Eve: Feast of Mary, Mother of God
Tuesday, December 31st, 2013 - 5:15 pm Mass (Cantor)
New Year's Day: Feast of Mary, Mother of God
Wednesday, January 1st, 2014 - 10:00 am Mass (choir)
12 noon (African Catholic Community Mass)
Feast of the Epiphany
Sunday, January 5th - 10 am Mass
12 noon (African Catholic Community Mass)
*carols begin 1/2 hour before Mass
Please keep and post on your refrigerator at home for future reference.
Mass Intentions
Rosary at 11:50 a.m.
Tues. December 17th: ferial
12:05 pm:
Genesis 49.2, 8-10, Ps. 72.1-2, 3-4, 7-8, 17, Matthew 1.1-17
Wed. December 18th: ferial
12:05 pm: Constancio Gonsalves +
Jeremiah 23.5-8, Psalm 72.1-2, 12-13, 18-19, Matthew 1.18-24
Thurs. December 19th: ferial
12:05 pm: Francisco Jorge +
Judges 13.2-7, 24-25a, Ps. 71.3-4a, 5-6ab, 16-17, Luke 1.5-25
Fri. December 20th: ferial
Please note: No 12:05 pm Mass today - due to priest meeting
Isaiah 7.10-14; 8.10d, Ps. 24.1-2, 3-4ab, 5-6, Luke 1.26-38
Sat. December 21st: ferial
5:15 pm: All Deceased Members of the Hansen Family
Zephaniah 3.14-18a,Ps. 33.2-3, 11-12, 20-21, Luke 1.39-45
Readings for Fourth Sunday of Advent - December 22nd
1st Reading: Isaiah 7.10-14
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 24.1-2, 3-4ab, 5-6
2nd Reading: Romans 1.1-7
Gospel: Matthew 1.18-24
Minister of the Word and Eucharistic Minister Schedule
For next weekend – December 21st & 22nd
5:15 pm – Sheila Spencer, Joyce Whelton
10:00 am – Laurence Mussio, Flavia Mussio, Kaz Flinn
Eucharistic Ministers
5:15 pm – Manuel Mairena, Sheila Spencer
10:00 am – Gilda Benincasa, Ann Gilbride, Steven Hozjan, Myrna Anacta
Christmas - A Time for Giving
Giving Tree
Each year The Society of St Vincent De Paul, Holy Name asks you to support our Giving Tree. This is about taking a dove and buying a toy or gift for needy children in our community.
This year, along with the doves, we are offering you the opportunity to give a gift donation in the name of your friends, family and colleagues. This is a gift that 100% supports the less fortunate of our community and helps St Vincent de Paul continue our work of helping those in need. Please consider taking a gift card package from the Giving Tree and give a gift that gives back.
We are also looking for parishioners to sponsor families at Christmas time. Let’s share our abundance with the less fortunate in our parish community. Please phone Holy Name St. Vincent de Paul at 416-469-0842 and leave a message.
Thank you.
Development & Peace
Development & Peace will be selling fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate in the Parish Hall next weekend. We will also be selling high quality olive oil and soap from the Zatoun, a fair-trade producer in Palestine. Foreign sales of these products are vital to the Palestinian economy given the constraints imposed by the political situation. For more information about Zatoun, please visit We now accept PayPal and credit card payments.
Altar Decorators Needed
for Sunday, December 22nd at 1:30 pm and Monday, December 23rd at 10:30 am
Please come and help decorate the sanctuary of the Church for the Christmas celebrations. “Many hands make light work!” There is work for all: men, women and children.
Thank you, Sacristans
Church Bulletin Advertising
Liturgical Publications will be setting up the advertisements for our church bulletin. The advertising will begin in February 2014 & supports the bulletin service. Please support the bulletin and advertise your product or service. Call Liturgical Publications at 905-624-4422. Thank you.
Renovations Campaign Update
The estimated cost of our renovations (elevator, washrooms, kitchen) is $700,000.
We have collected so far $177,446.00 in pledges for our Renovations Campaign. Please remember to give in your pledge so we can reach out $700,000.00 goal. Pledges can be made by direct deposit, post-dated cheques, Canada Helps website and Archdiocese of Toronto website. We are now at $388,194.17. Thank you to all who have donated.
Welcome to Our Parish Family
December 15th, 2013
Peter Edward Isaac
son of Christian & Geneviève
Arianna Rose Mainardi
daughter of Michel & Anna
James Patrick Parlee
son of Forrest & Laura