Holy Name Parish Info
Celebration of the Eucharist
Saturday Evening: 5:15 pm
Sunday: 10:00 am-with children's program
12:00 pm-Africian Catholic Community
Weekdays: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (No Mass Monday)
12:05 pm-in the chapel
Pastor: Reverend Andrew J. Morasse, C.S.C.
Deacon: Reverend Hugh Taylor
Parish Secretary: Pamela Cobham
Lay Pastoral Assistant: Carol Soloman
In Residence: Reverend Jinto Puthiyidathuchalil, C.S.C.
Chaplin to the Africian Catholic Community: Reverend Alexander Osei, C.S.Sp.
Choir Director: Sarah Matte
Hall Manager: Jocelyn 647-347-7637
Parish Office Hours:
Monday to Friday
9:00 am to 12:00 pm
1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Rectory: 71 Gough Ave. Toronto, ON Canada M4K 3N9
Phone: 416-466-8281
Fax: 416-466-8559
Web: www.holynametoronto.com
Email: [email protected]
Bulletin notices must be submitted in writing to the parish office by noon Monday
The Parish Hall is available for Rent
Please call Jocelyn, Hall Manager, 647-347-7637
By appointment and after instruction
Archdiocesan Marriage Policy: Couples planning to be married must contact a priest one year in advance. They must also receive personal preparation for entering marriage.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays: 4:30 to 5:00 pm and upon request
Catholic Cemeteries
416-733-8544 or www.catholic-cemeteries.com
Archdiocese of Toronto
416-934-0606 or www.archtoronto.org
We encourage all parishioners to become actively involved in your parish through its many groups and ministries. We also need and appreciate your financial support from regular offertory envelopes or automatic bank transfer. Please ensure that you are registered with the office. Parishioners who are changing their address are asked to inform the parish office.