Altar Servers
Baptismal Ministry
Children's Liturgy of the Word (ages 3-12)
Marriage Preparation
Ministers of the Eucharist
Ministers of Hospitality
Pastoral Visitors
Ministers of Music: Choir, Cantors, Instrumentalists
Ministers of the Word
RCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (for those wishing to become Catholic)
Finance Council
Liturgy Committee
Pastoral Council
Groups & Activities
All these groups may be contacted through the rectory office 416-466-8281
Altar Society
Alcoholics Anonymous
236th Scout Troup Beavers, Cubs, Scouts & Venturers
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Holy Name School
690 Carlaw Ave.
Toronto, ON M4K 3K9
Phone: 416-393-5215
Fax: 416-393-5934
Principal: Anna Totten