If you haven't been to the subway in the U.S. Bank Building, then you have never been to Bruegger's Bagels at the base of the escalators, on the opposite side as Daube's. I happen to be a big fan of their bagels, and in the fall they have a seasonal coffee that is very tasty. Their space layout, however, may be one of the most poorly designed in the entire subway; most likely a product of adaptation.
The design problem is nothing that can't be overcome, in fact, the movement through the space happens to be patterned after an old-fashioned ballroom dance. I happen to be a dance aficionado and I took the liberty of transcribing the steps required to achieve success (ordering, paying for, and receiving food and beverage). It may look complicated--in full disclosure it is a more advanced dance--but with a little practice, you too can be bouncing to the Bruegger's Boogie! See the diagram below and the sequence description.

Start (at least I assume this is the starting place as it is nearest the elevators and escalators).
Proceed to the counter. Bow to the server. Look awkwardly for the menu before realizing that you are at the wrong station!
Circle to the right, swing those hips.
Watch out for the column! Sashay to the left.
Exchange glances at the patrons as you slide past their tables. Don't knock any glasses!
Come to a stop, wait for the line to pass (turn to the side to slide past any larger patrons if necessary). You're almost there!
Move along against the wall and turn to face the menu. Now wait your turn.
Step forward at the call, place your order. Then left over right, again left over right to answer any questions that they have about your order.
Come to a stop and left, right, left. Wait your turn and pay for the meal!
This can be performed with a partner but it becomes increasingly difficult. Only a seasoned veteran or a frequent Bruegger's patron should attempt.
Now bow to your partner, you're done!