Hooray! All the foam forms are now in place. The last section, the North entrance arch, was the most challenging but we finished it on Saturday.
Our friend Matt came by and helped out tightening any loose tie wires connecting the lath boards to the rebar. It was one of those tedious little jobs that we really appreciated the extra hands with. We also spent time passing the electrical conduit through the foam forms wherever they enter the house.
There are two places in our house where a stack vent must pass through the shell. One above the master bathroom and one between the kitchen and guest bath. We used a laser to determine where they needed to go through the shell and a hot knife to cut the holes.
There are just a few little details to finish up before we are truly ready for the concrete but it looks like we will have another weekend to finish up as our shotcrete contractor is now scheduled for around the 14th.