With the pump house in place, we need to get the waterline from our big water tank up the hill, into the shed. The soil we have on our property is a really hard Saprolite Clay and digging into it by hand is a major chore. Fortunately we have a backhoe attachment for Dozy (which is actually attached to the front). This made digging the trench much easier though there was still a certain amount of hand work.After running the waterline into the pump house, we were able to hook up the booster pump (at least temporarily), so that we can attach garden hoses to start “watering” the roof. Later on we will have a more permanent set up when we hook into the house plumbing.Jeff started to water the roof to help the ground settle. Next week we will seed the roof with a mix of grasses, native cover plants and wild flowers. We hope to have some growth going before the big rains come to help prevent erosion.